Duke of Cleveland

(London Northern Echo - 1892)

(The 4th Duke of Cleveland died August 21 1892)


Probate has now been granted of the, will and probate duty has been paid on £1,440,889 3a 11d as the value of the personal estate of the Duke of Cleveland, who died on the 21st August last, and of whom will, dated 22nd July last, the executers are Viscount Welmer, M.P., and Mr. Frederick George Hilton Price, of 1, Fleetstreet banker, to each of whom the testator bequeaths £1,000. To each child of the Hon. Charles Rowley Hay and Arabella Augusta Hay, namely, Evelyn Elizabeth Vane (wife of Sir Robert Moncreif), Ida Agnes Vane (wife of Reginald West), Amy Violet Powlett (wife of the Hon. George Eden), Henry Claud Frederick Hay, Algernon Richard Francis Hay, and Maud Alice Hay is bequeathed £20,000 each; to the children of the late Henry Foster Coore and Augusta Caroline Coore, namely, the Rev. Alfred Thomas Coore, George Barnard Milbank Coore and Acaroline Augusta Coore, £20,000 each; to each child of Caroline Frances, wife of the Rev. Harry Vane Russell, rector of Wem, £15,000; to the testator’s agent, Sir Anchitel Ashburnham, in consideration of his services, £3,000; and to his valet Brownson £1,000. He confirms the following


Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina, Duchess of Cleveland, namely: £4,000 a year jointure rent charge on the Raby estates; a life interest by way of jointure of the Bolton estates; a life interest by way of jointure of one-fourth of the residuary estate of the Duchess of Bolton; and his wife’s interest under any settlement made on their marriage if and so far as his wife’s interest does not absolutely extend. He bequeaths to her absolutely his leasehold mansion in Groevenor place, with the stables and outbuildings and all the articles and effects which may be in and about the premises. The Duke of Cleveland devises Cleveland Honor, St. James’s square, the outbuildings and stables, the Cattle of Raby, in the county of Durham, and all his manors, advewsons, messuages, lands, and heredilaments in the counties of Middlesex, Durham, Northampton, Salop, and Stafford, referred to as


upon trusty is case within the period of five years from his death any person living or claiming to be a decendent of the first Baron Barnard (the only one of his titles ____by his death)


or in case of failure for any reason to establish his title to the barony should obtain a new grant of


or ahould otherwise in any manner have the title revived in him, the trustees shall convey and settle the Raby estates to such uses and in such manner that the same may devolve, so far as the rules of law will permit, along with the Barony of Barnard as originally or newly created or revised; or on failure of this trust to the uses declared concerning the testator’s lands and hereditaments in Somerset and the remainder is fee simple of the Battle Abbey estates. The trustees were, immediately after the late Duke’s death, to take possession of the Raby estates and manage them as if during the minority of a tenant in tail. The testator devices the mansion of Battle Abbey and all his manors, lands, messuages, and other hereditaments in the counties of Kent and Sussex called


to the use of his wife for her life, and he devises the Battle Abbey estates, and his estates in the county of Somerset, subject to his wife’s life-interest, to the use of his great nephew Francis William Forester for his life with remainder to his first and other sons successively in the order of their seniority in tail male, with remainder to the uses declared. Concerning the Ashton Keynes estate, in the county of Wilts and Gloucester, he devises


to the use during his life of Arthur William Henry Hay (oldest son of the Hon, Charles Rowley Hay, of Harewood Ledge, ___ Hill), and of the testator’s niece, Arabella Augusta Hay, his wife, with remainder to the use of his first and other sone in tail made, and remainder to Henry Claud Frederick Hay and Algernon Richard Francis Hay. The testator bequeaths to his wife his homes and carriages at Cleveland House and Battle Abbey, and his carriages; horses, farm and garden stock, and the deer at Raby in trust for the person entitled. He devises and bequeaths all


of his real and personal estate for realization and investment in trust as to one moiety thereof to pay the income during his life to his great-nephew Arthur William Henry Hay, and after his death the capital and income shall be held in trust for all or such one or more of his children or remote issue as he shall appoint, or in default of appointment, for all his children in equal shares; and as to the other moiety of the residuary estate upon like trusts in favour of his great-nephew. Powlett Charles John Milbank, second son of Sir Frederick ____ Milbank..


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